• CBD infused Coffee Beans

    500 MG broad spectrum CBD per bag of CBD-infused Coffee Beans CBD Coffee made of organic whole beans from Costa Rica formulated with organic CBD grown in the United States increase alertness without the jitters available flavors: natural, caramel macchiato & irish cream available in bags or k-pods

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    Breakfast CBD Bundle

    Start your day off right with our Breakfast CBD Bundle! One of the most popular CBD Bundle offerings on the market! Pick your coffee flavor: Natural, Irish Cream or Caramel Macchiato Pick your spread: Cashew Butter, Peanut Butter, Almond Butter Honey in every bundle, use it to sweeten your coffee! Part of our popular CBD…

Buy The Best CBD Coffee

Start your day with a cup of the best CBD coffee that not only gives you a sense of energy, but also soothes your mind and body. Explore the world of CBD-infused coffee, a perfect blend of caffeine’s uplifting effects and CBD’s relaxing benefits. Find out which CBD coffee is best for you, and make the most of it by discovering its special qualities.

In a nutshell

  • Premium CBD coffee from Mellow Road offers a smooth flavor profile and calming effects in two convenient size options.
  • Consider quality, source, type of infusion, and flavor preferences when choosing the right CBD coffee.

Incorporate it into your daily routine for a natural energy boost and a great experience throughout the day.

Grinder Bowl of the Best CBD Coffee Beans

Premium CBD Infused Coffee from Mellow Road CBD

Mellow Road CBD brings a premium CBD-infused coffee experience to your mornings with their medium-roasted CBD Coffee. Imported from Costa Rica, these high-quality coffee beans are expertly infused with organic, broad-spectrum CBD hemp, creating a delightful and unique flavor profile that you would expect from a top-notch coffee shop.

So, what sets Mellow Road CBD’s coffee apart?

Many coffee lovers have reported:

  • An amazing taste;
  • A calming effect without the typical caffeine jitters;
  • Improvement in digestion;
  • Muscle relaxation, thanks to the CBD infusion.

One of our customers writes:

“Our own experience with Mellow Road CBD’s Medium Roast CBD Coffee was nothing short of exceptional. The flavor was rich and smooth, and the CBD infusion provided a sense of calm and focus that regular coffee just can’t match. In addition to their goal of providing a product that is tested for its quality, it’s clear that Mellow Road CBD has put a lot of effort into creating a premium CBD coffee that caters to the discerning tastes of coffee enthusiasts such as ourselves!”

Combining CBD and Caffeine

You might be wondering how CBD and caffeine work together, and whether they complement or counteract each other. Caffeine impacts the central nervous system by increasing metabolism, neurotransmitters, and heart rate. CBD, on the other hand, is a compound derived from the hemp plant that boosts protein synthesis and expression in the brain area connected to alertness.

The magic happens when these two compounds are combined. Together, they create a synergistic effect that balances and enhances the benefits of both while minimizing potential side effects. This results in a focused energy boost without the anxiety that can sometimes accompany caffeine consumption.

However, it’s important to be aware of how you might react to this combination and to consider any medical conditions that might make it unsuitable for you.

How to Choose the Right CBD Coffee

Selecting the perfect CBD coffee for coffee drinkers may seem daunting at first, but it’s all about considering a few key factors: the quality and source of CBD, the type of CBD infusion, and your flavor preferences.

In the following sections, we’ll delve into these factors to help you make an informed decision and find the CBD coffee that’s just right for you.

Quality and Source of CBD

When it comes to choosing the right CBD coffee, the quality and source of CBD are crucial. Opting for a reputable brand that uses high-quality, organic, and lab-tested CBD is essential for ensuring a safe and enjoyable experience. Transparency in lab testing and the use of organic ingredients are indicators of a trustworthy brand that cares about its customers’ well-being.

It’s also important to consider the extraction process of CBD, as this can impact the overall quality of the product. CBD is often extracted from the hemp or cannabis plant using either alcohol or carbon dioxide and then mixed with a carrier oil like coconut oil. The final product is sent to a third-party lab to verify its purity and strength. By choosing a CBD coffee that uses high-quality extraction methods and undergoes rigorous testing, you can ensure you’re getting a top-notch product, like our coffee here at Mellow Road. With the growing popularity of CBD consumption and the increasing awareness of CBD legal status, it’s essential to make informed choices about the hemp-derived CBD products you consume.

Type of CBD Infusion

The type of CBD infusion is another important factor to consider when selecting a CBD coffee. There are three main types of CBD infusions: Full Spectrum, Broad Spectrum and Isolate.

  1. Full-spectrum CBD includes all of the compounds found in the hemp plant such as CBD, CBG, and THC.
  2. Broad-spectrum CBD contain all the compounds found in the hemp plant, minus the THC.
  3. Isolate CBD infusions consist of pure CBD without any other compounds from the hemp plant.

Each type of CBD infusion offers unique benefits and can impact the overall experience of your CBD coffee. For example, full-spectrum CBD infusions can provide an “entourage effect,” where the various compounds work together to enhance the overall benefits. On the other hand, isolate CBD infusions may be more suitable for those who prefer a product with no THC.

Ultimately, the choice of CBD infusion will depend on your personal preferences and desired benefits.

Flavor Preferences

As crucial as it is to locate a product that is of a good calibre and offers some great advantages, we also want to make sure that your taste buds agree! This is why, when choosing the perfect CBD coffee, it’s important not to overlook your personal flavor preferences. With a variety of roasts and flavors available, you are sure to find a CBD coffee that suits your taste buds. We are happy to say that Mellow Road’s Medium Roast CBD Coffee comes in 3 flavors to choose from: Natural, Caramel Macchiato & Irish Cream.

There’s a CBD-infused coffee out there for you. Don’t be afraid to explore different flavors and roasts to find one that truly satisfies your taste preferences and enhances your daily routine.

Brewing the Perfect Cup of CBD Coffee

Now that you’ve chosen the perfect CBD coffee, it’s time to brew it just right. The key to a perfect cup of CBD coffee lies in choosing the right equipment and ensuring proper dosage and measurement.

In the following sections, we’ll guide you through these important factors, so you can enjoy a consistent and delightful CBD coffee experience.

Choosing the Right Equipment

The equipment you use to brew your CBD coffee can greatly impact its flavor and quality. While no special equipment is required for brewing CBD coffee, using a coffee maker with a fine metal filter, like a Moka Pot or French press, is recommended to allow more CBD oils to pass through and maximize the benefits. Other coffee makers, such as pour-over or drip coffee makers, can also be used to brew a delicious cup of CBD coffee.

Ultimately, the best equipment for brewing CBD coffee will depend on your personal preferences and the flavor profile you’re aiming for. Our customers have found it beneficial to experiment with different coffee makers; as it can help you discover the perfect method for extracting the full potential of your CBD-infused coffee.

Proper Dosage and Measurement

Finding the proper dosage and measurement of CBD in your coffee is essential for achieving the desired effects and benefits. Since everyone responds differently to CBD, it might take some experimentation to find the ideal amount for your individual needs. If you find that a higher dosage of CBD is what you need, a simple way to achieve this is to brew a cup of CBD-infused coffee and then mix in a water-soluble CBD oil tincture.

Alternatively, you may find that you want to have a lower dosage of CBD. Simply mix your CBD coffee with your regular, non-infused coffee.

Start gradually and raise or decrease the dosage until you find the perfect balance that works for you.

Incorporating CBD Coffee into Your Daily Routine

Including CBD coffee in your daily regimen can give you the much-needed morning boost or the gentle afternoon pick-me-up you need. You can select several times of the day to have your CBD coffee, depending on your unique preferences and needs.

In the following sections, we’ll explore how CBD coffee can enhance your mornings and afternoons, providing a well-rounded coffee experience.

Morning Boost

Starting your day with a morning boost of Mellow Road coffee can have a significant impact on your overall well-being and productivity. The combination of caffeine and CBD can increase focus, energy, and a sense of calm, allowing you to tackle your day with confidence and ease. Many people report feeling more alert and relaxed after drinking CBD coffee, as CBD calms the mind, making it the perfect addition to your morning routine.

Whether you’re an early bird or a night owl, incorporating a morning cup of CBD coffee into your daily routine can help set the tone for a successful day. With its unique blend of energy-boosting caffeine and calming CBD, you’ll be ready to conquer whatever adventures lie ahead.

Afternoon Pick-Me-Up

We all know the feeling of an afternoon slump when our energy levels start to dip and it becomes difficult to focus. An afternoon pick-me-up with Mellow Road coffee can be the perfect solution to keep you going without the jitters or crashes commonly associated with traditional caffeine sources. The gentle energy and focus boost provided can help you power through your afternoon tasks and maintain productivity throughout the day.

So, instead of reaching for that sugary snack or energy drink, consider incorporating an afternoon cup of Mellow Road coffee into your daily routine. Not only will you enjoy a delicious and comforting beverage, but you’ll also experience the unique benefits of CBD and caffeine working together to keep you focused and energized. By combining CBD and coffee, you can reap the benefits of both.

Legal Considerations and Regulation

Before you dive into the world of CBD and coffee, it’s essential to be aware of the legal considerations and regulations surrounding CBD-infused products. The legality of CBD with more than 0.3% THC varies by location, with some states considering it marijuana under federal law. Familiarize yourself with local laws and guidelines before you purchase and consume CBD coffee.


To sum up, CBD coffee combines the energizing effects of caffeine with the soothing effects of CBD for a distinctive and pleasurable experience. By carefully considering factors such as the quality and source of CBD, the type of CBD infusion, and your personal flavor preferences, you can find the perfect CBD coffee to suit your taste and needs. Including CBD coffee in your daily routine can improve your well-being and productivity overall, whether you drink it as a morning or an afternoon pick-me-up. So, go ahead and discover the world of CBD coffee – your taste buds and your mind will thank you.

A coffee made with CBD coffee beans

Frequently Asked Questions

CBD coffee is an excellent choice for those looking to enjoy the energizing effects of coffee and the calming effects of CBD. Given its growing popularity, studies are consistently being conducted to look further into other benefits CBD may bring to your health.

So if you’re seeking a pick-me-up that offers more than just a caffeine boost, CBD coffee may be right for you.

CBD’s effects can vary from person to person.

It is often used by many for its potential soothing properties. It’s believed that CBD interacts with the body’s endocannabinoid system in a way that promotes a sense of calm and focus.

Some people use CBD to potentially help manage feelings of stress or restlessness. It’s also been explored for its potential to relieve symptoms related to neurological conditions. In terms of physical health, there’s interest in the potential of CBD to positively influence heart and circulatory health, including possibly managing high blood pressure.

Studies on CBD and other cannabinoids are ongoing. Here are a few articles to help you determine if you may find health benefits from CBD: Drugs.com, Harvard, and the Mayo Clinic.

If you’re looking to up your coffee game, Mellow Road has several different types of CBD coffees to choose from!

Mellow Road’s new K-Cups have a pre-measured dose of CBD in every pod.

For a truly delightful experience, make sure to check out Mellow Road’s medium roast coffee available in Natural, Caramel Macchiato, and Irish Cream!

CBD coffee has been studied for its numerous potential benefits, including improving mental clarity, reducing pain, and promoting better sleep.

So if you want an extra boost of energy or a cognitive edge, enjoying CBD coffee every day may be a great way to get it.

The combination of CBD and caffeine creates an improved, balanced energy boost. It gives you the positive effects of caffeine, such as alertness and focus, without the negative side effects like jitteriness.

With this beneficial blend, you can reap the benefits of both and enjoy calm, sustained energy.